Stop the Madness
More City Deal misery stuff this morning as protesters were marching against the City Deal concerned about the fact that residents and business owners will have to pay a fine to drive to and from work. I completely agree.
It is clear that Cambridge traffic is generally pretty bad, but it is mainly only at peak (typical) rush hour and is much better when the schools/university are on holiday...
So while making life difficult for us business people might help traffic... WE ARE NOT THE PROBLEM!!!
After the joy of using the park and ride over the last month I'm pretty sceptical of their proposals but there so many simple things they could do which people would embrace.
Boris Bikes at the station/park and ride/science park etc.
Lower business rates for companies who offer flexible working hours.
A city specific car pooling app that took advantage of the Park and Rides.
A direct road from the bottom of the gogs to Addenbrookes.
The 6th form collages and other further education places could also start later, that would ease traffic and help sleepy teenagers!
A railway from Linton would be nice as well.
Did I mention teleports!
Rant off ;)
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