Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

A blanket approach

Dylan is now in full recovery mode. Cats are good at sleeping but he has turned it into a fine, healing art. I spent the day working at home and sat next to him all day (quite literally) whilst doing minutes and checking emails. He was lovely, it was like having a baby again. I gave him a little homemade pillow to wear inside his nasty plastic collar and kept his bald bits covered up for him (he has a lot of bald bits and it was a bit chilly today). When he did get up to eat, he stuffed his face quite spectacularly. If appetite is an indicator of wellbeing he is on an accelerated care pathway to regaining his fitness.

Following the tory party conference coverage in the news. I am not an extremist but these people seem to want to recreate Britain in the 1950s, a kind of pre-Suez island mentality. Really where does this stuff about not relying on foreign workers come from and firms having to say how many foreign workers they employ (apart from the obvious answer of barely concealed post-Brexit xenophobia)? There are more Brits working overseas than foreigners working over here and doing very nicely thank you. But if the Britain of the past was about political hypocrisy I guess the answer is obvious ... And grammar schools. I mean really. They will turn Britain into some kind of ghastly museum where coffee is banned in favour of tea, modern art is declared dangerous, and the only reason we are letting the Chinese build a nuclear reactor here is because the average conservative thinks Dungeness is an offshore island that will damage the French more than us if it blows up .... This is the most deranged Tory party in decades - although ironically, probably not as dangerous as the toxic CamerOsborne partnership which specialised in beating up the vulnerable. 

Sorry. Don't usually use blip for a soapbox. But having a long time to think with a chilled cat ... well it makes you think ...


Five years ago I shot Basil Fawlty

This time last year I was on Mars. Briefly.

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