
This is one of France’s many wine areas, so we are obviously surrounded by vines. By this time of year, most of the grape harvest is finished, although there are still a few of the huge grape picking machines around. And yes we go to the local Cave and buy wine.

But that’s not the end of it as far as grapes are concerned. We have to eat them too. These are tiny sweet grapes just hanging in abundance from the overhead trellis that provides shade for the patio outside the house. The owner of our house, whom we have known for a long time now, says – ‘Eat them – Eat all of them’! Well, we are trying. But then the markets are overflowing with the delicious black Muscat grapes and we buy them by the kilo.

So, grapes a plenty. And yes they all have pips, but I think that, when we return to the ‘seedless’ varieties on offer at home, we may find that ‘seedless’ has been at the sacrifice of ‘taste’. And we may remember these days of being able to eat from those above our heads.


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