A line allows progress.

By acircledoesnot


Taking a picture of Harriet was definitely a challenge. The noise of my shutter scared the poor thing to death. Every time he heard the shutter open, he'd tuck his head back inside himself and curl up. It took a bunch of tries, and luring Harriet out with his water bottle, over and over, but I'm happy with this photo.

As I promised Fiori yesterday, I also want this picture to serve as a little note of caution to anyone who is interested "exotic" pets. This hedgehog looks cute and cuddly, but he's really a wild animal. He is not cuddly- he's like a small guinea pig covered in spikes. He is so scared of everything and as a result, he's very defensive. He's nocturnal. He doesn't want to be played with during the day and he is pretty irritable when he gets woken up. So, hopefully, when I give Harriet back to my friend tomorrow, she will have found a new owner who can care for Harriet in the way he deserves to be cared for.

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