Tiny Tuesday - delicate

I finished work early today to go to a much anticipated specialist appointment. He ended up telling me that I wasn't allergic to anything. He has prescribed me 20 day course of antibiotics and several other hard hitting pills. He hasn't, however, given me a reason for any of this medication ... 

Hmmm. Great. Back to square one, I guess. I'm a bit disappointed. Well, very disappointed really. It's been a long and drawn out process and I feel as if I am no further along the path to knowing why I am sick all the time. I won't be taking the antibiotics until I've spoken to my GP. She knows that I don't like to take antibiotics unless there's no other option and this just seems like an ad hoc prescription with nothing to back it up. 

Anyway, it is what it is and I will just have to push on. Onwards and upwards, etc!

Saw these two clinging on to their stem. Rather beautiful against the twilight sky. My lens didn't seem to want to focus on them, but I managed in the end.

Night all.


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