
By Bom

William Morris & Kelsmscott Manor

On Saturday G and I went to Kelmscott Manor in Oxfordshire, which was once the country retreat of William Morris, the English textile designer, poet, novelist. translator and social activist. He originally had a joint tenancy on the house with the painter Dante Gabrielle Rossetti. It's a lovely house in a peaceful location and you can see why he fell in love with it. 

We then went to the local church where William and his wife Jane are buried.  Jane was a skilled embroider, producing a number of items in the house. She was also the model for a number of Rossetti's paintings and they reported got a bit too close.

The photo shows a printing block for one of William Morris' textile designs and in the corner you can just see a bit of material printed with that pattern. It was a really fascinating visit, well worth a look.

Apologies that I can't comment on your journals at the moment until my eye improves. I'll only be posting myself on trips out.

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