The Birds

Glorious weather today, so I went for a walk at lunchtime. First of all, when I was standing on a bridge over a stream,  I saw a kingfisher fly all the way along until he disappeared into the distance.
I then heard the most tremendous sound of geese, and then there they were. Literally thousands of them. I have never seen so many geese anywhere. They circled round above me about 4 times and then a few of them landed on the nearby lake, and the others disappeared behind a hill beyond the lake. When they came directly overhead, it was as though it was going dusk as the sky went dark, and the noise was deafening. 
I'm not sure whether they were preparing for their migration or what was going on, but it was certainly an impressive site.
 There was no way I could get them all into one shot, without them looking like little dots, so here's a few of them. 

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