The Virtuous Well

This morning being fine I took Morrigan out for a thunder over to Trelleck, in the Forest of Dean. In part the ride was for the fun of it, but I had a job too. I met up with Ian Chandler of PaganAid to hand over a cheque for £500 from The Druid Network.

PaganAid is quite a new charitable organisation, which came into being when Ian and a few others realised there was a need to replicate the fund-raising and giving that many Christian and other faiths have, but in the pagan arena, attracting those for whom the church relationship was intrusive to the intention of the gifting.

After we'd completed our business we had a look around Trelleck, which is such an old Welsh village they have four or five ways of spelling it as you drive through. They have a trio of standing stones, and this rather lovely well, known as the Virtuous Well, and which allegedly cures disease of the eyes and "women's problems"... tastes nice too.

Still no iMac... so forgive if the spoil chicken has walked all over the text. It's all in iPad-ese... and because I can't offload photos from the Canon, it's all iPhone pic too!

Finally, don't forget my Blips are being watched!

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