Paint job
I cannot begin to describe the kind of weather that's going on here today - water of biblical proportions is cascading from the skies and it's relentless. I nipped out to Bantry this morning before it had seriously got going. This is Marino Street, the main road through Bantry and lorries don't half rattle down it - always interesting if one meets another coming in the other direction. There are some rather nice old houses but they're seriously run down with many of them empty. During the summer though the town council had a brilliant idea and must have gathered all tins of paint they could muster and every house, occupied or not, was quickly painted, in various shades of blues and creams. The white line in the middle of the road seems a bit random.
Hopefully the rain might cease at some point for we are off on a field trip tomorrow, heading to darkest Cloyne in east Cork for a couple of days. We are going with our pals R & F who are then carrying on upwards to explore the Royal Canal, as you do. Before that though, holy wells are on the agenda plus a bit of cliff top walking and woodland exploration. Just the weather! Off to look for my waterproof kecks. Catch up next weekend,
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