Got it !

The day started with me taking C down the town to meet Pat for coffee. Hadn't been home long when mum arrived. I was due to deliver her to a bus stop at 1130 for her coach holiday in Somerset. We were talking and I asked her what time she was coming home & she said she didn't know but would look at the paperwork. She turned a bit grey & said that the bus leaves at 1110. Looked at the clock & it was 1110. Jumped in the car & sped to the appointed place where the driver was sat waiting...that was a close one !

Picked C up from the town then delivered her to NEXT before coming home. A quick bite to eat & then I went down the garage cash point to test out my PIN number which I had forgotten last week. It said I had had too many attempts. So I went online & transferred the money into C's account but it asked for my PIN.....doh !!!!!  C said **** and she was right. The long & the short of it was that I didn't need to do the transfer but had, & so C paid the balance on the car which we collected at 2pm....OMG I'm going senile already 58 !!

I intend to keep this car for 5 years. My old one well despite it only being 3years old I had never liked it 100% so here we are..

Think we will go for a drive tonight as C wants to test it out !!

A fine sunny day with a nip in the air

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