I can't stand the rain ...

... against my window. Or anywhere else for that matter.

It feels as if it hasn't stopped for so long. I know we've had the occasional day where it hasn't rained, but they certainly feel few and far between. I fear that I may be developing webbed feet ...

I'm over it.

Cousteau's over it.

I'm over Cousteau being over it.

We had an argument today. He barked and barked and barked and barked ...

In the end, I had to put him in timeout, where - you've guessed it - he barked some more to express his displeasure at being shut in the cold bathroom.

We had words. He was made to lie on the floor and stay quiet for a few minutes. He is now sulking on my bedroom floor. Sulking, but at least quiet for now.

I am going to don my rain gear in a wee while and take him for a soggy walk, even though neither of us really wants to go out in the rain. At least it might wear him out so that he doesn't drive us all mad.

I'm doing some work this afternoon, so had better get on with it so that it doesn't take up the whole evening as well.

This is one of the lilies I bought myself the other day. Outside - grey sky backdrop and fill-in flash.

Go away rain!

Night all.


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