Food festival

Katie's annual "im going to try all the cheese, honey and jam I can find" outing. Many things happened before we got that far though!

We ended up staying over at grandads last night. She woke at 630 to go to the toilet but then went back to sleep. I had to carry her from bed to get packed in the car to go home. She was asleep when I put her in the car but didn't last long before she announced she was starving so we made a stop at .MacDonald's for her first ever sausage mcmuffin and hash brown. It certainly seemed to do the trick.

We managed to make it to church in good time, even getting home to bath her, change us both out of the jammies we had driven home in. It was harvest at church this morning so we were arranging that before the service and packing it ready to take to the food bank after.

We dropped the car at home and walked to the food festival. She indeed tried a whole variety of different tasty treats and decorated a giant shortbread biscuit that lasted about a minute.

At home it was time to do very little. I slept through most of the film she chose, though I managed to wake up enough to supervise music practice! She was ready for bed very early though so clarinet was abandoned and she was fast asleep by 630.

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