
By JillyMint

Building in some shade

You have seen many photos of flora and fauna taken in the wildlife garden / hide /pond area. Well on the other side of the house I have a more formal area which I grandly call the 'walled garden' - it has waterfall, flower beds and raised beds for things such as veg etc. The main garden on the other side is south facing but in the summer the sun is high enough to be above the roof line so even this walled space gets very hot.
So - yesterday I constructed this awning (shade sail), measuring it out, screwing fitments into the wall and posts, digging holes, cementing the posts in, erecting and tensioning the sail. All on my own! I was so chuffed with it that I lit the fire pit and sat out with my book until very late.
Meds are looking promising - I am certainly moving much better and have LOTS of energy. I still can't talk very well but I am much more like my old self - at least for a while!
I'm going to have to go to the drop in medical centre at the hospital tomorrow about my arm. It is a right mess (sort of like little blisters all over it) and I need some topical treatment to get some relief.
It's late so I'd better get to bed. Night night
Canon 5d; 24mm; iso400; f/8; 1/500"

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