The Bee!

What a lovely sunny day. Went to church then went to Dunham Massey for the Panasonic photo show, I had arranged to meet Beewriter there. The show was a bit pitiful but I did get pointers for my new camera. OMG it was so busy they shut the gates and we had to wait to be let into the grounds to park. Luckily I found a space and Bee found a nice spot outside. We met up and had a great wander round, I loved this sly shot of the lovely pink and purple hair!. We queued for half an hour for a delicious double ice cream then sat on a bench watching the world go by whilst eating it. It's definitely autumn as it's getting cool by 4pm. Came home and spent 2 hours on the PC determined that it would talk to my iPhone and I would be able to download photos from yesterday. I did eventually do it and printed off some lovely photos to send to Bella.

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