
By DramaQueen


We've done nothing all day; it's been ace!

The most effort I've had has been making tonight's tea; bolognese stuffed peppers with vegetable rice. Mr A got to have cheese on his :-(

I'm finding the digestive diet a little easier now and so far, it's not been too terrible for Mr A meal wise though he was shell shocked at soup for tea on Tuesday night!
I was a bit naughty last night, as I ate late; I'm not meant to eat after 7pm in case I turn into a gremlin, but I wasn't hungry earlier.
As part of my treatment, I had my first colonic yesterday. It was actually ok and nowhere near as bad as I'd expected it to be. I've heard that people feel euphoric afterwards but I just felt tired! I've 2 more to go yet and combined with the probiotics, I'm sure it will make a massive difference to my gut and it's intolerances.

I've still not needed any of my prescription meds, which is a bonus and hopefully a sign that things are improving.

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