Scattered Polaroids

By sp

Phew. Just finished a week's worth of backblipping. I ended up writing loads for every day so if you're gonna attempt to read it, I'd grab a biscuit now.

We didn't need to leave our house until 11 today, so we headed out at 8.30 for a coffee. Grabbed takeaway lattes from a little place down the road, and found a new favourite sitting spot out on the harbour arm. The sea looked extra blue today.

We left plenty of time to get to the station - it was hot and our bags heavy. We ended up arriving 25 minutes early, so I went to get us some snacks for the journey. I returned to a very worried looking mother: her railcard had expired a few days ago and there was a massive queue at the single ticket kiosk. I waited with the bags, occasionally checking the time. After 15 minutes she ran back over - her pen had run out. Another 10 minutes and our train arrived. I sat back in my seat and accepted I would have another half hour wait. As the doors beeped open, there she was, Usain-Bolting along the platform. We made it in the end, first to Victoria, then to Clapham, and then home.

I shot two films over the week, and hopefully I'll get them developed tomorrow, but for now there are some extras here.

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