Life, Universe & Not Much

By micro43

Duncan Edwards - footballer of genius

Today we had an event on Priory Park at which Sir Bobby Charlton unveiled a commemorative plaque to Duncan Edwards at the pavilion. Duncan grew up on Priory Estate, would have played on Priory Park, and lived only about 3 streets from where I have always lived. Sadly he died in the the Munich air disaster (which Sir Bobby survived) at a very young age, but had already shown the potential to be one of the greatest English footballers ever. 

A crowd of hundreds turned out for the event despite very heavy rain, but unfortunately the view was entirely obscured even for those standing right against the crowd barrier by the 'privileged' photographs, media people, dignitaries etc (see extras). As a founder member of Friends of Priory Park, but EX official photographer and EX webmaster I only managed to get a spot up against the barrier. As I was not terribly well someone actually called the attendant medics and I consequently was the only person with a seat - perhaps if I had feigned a heart attack (actually not necessarily an act) I would have been allowed inside the barrier and would have got a better view! Anyway, thanks to those who looked after me.

I'm indebted to a youngster standing nearby who pointed out that although the public could see nothing directly, you could actually get an indirect view periodically via a mobile phone held aloft by one of the privileged few (see the last of the extras).

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