Not a very attractive blip but the best I could muster after my sudden illness yesterday and an overnight stay in A&E. This is one of the pads that they stick to your skin at numerous locations then hook up the probes to carry out an Electrocardiogram. In fact they kept some of them attached all night for constant readings. The good news is that my heart is fine, as were the chest X-ray, blood and urine sample results.

So, having registered last night at 9pm I was eventually discharged at 9:45 this morning with a diagnosis of vasovagal syncope (fainting) with an intercurrent viral infection. No further treatment necessary.

Spent most of the rest of the day on the settee trying to get some sleep - it was so noisy what with the beeping of the machines, constant flow of patients and staff and moving between departments for tests. Mrs.K had driven me to the hospital and stayed with me until 3am, when we knew that I was to stay at least for several more hours, bless her cotton socks.

On the bright side I watched day 1 of the Ryder Cup between the American and European golf teams. 5-3 to the USA so all to play for over the weekend :)

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