
Mr Lif and I were over excited when we woke up this morning. Can you guess why? Yip the sun was shining. So forgoing a lay in we were up and ready for the day. Shortly after the sky clouded over :( Sods law,we should have stayed in bed

Anyhow, we got productive and rejigged a corner of the garden which had been annoying me. Its now looking lovely with a couple of new rose bushes installed. Mr Lif did dull manly stuff like cleaning the patio. After our morning's labour we headed out for lunch and then, a spot of essential shopping. New bird feeders and bird seed were top of my list. Mr Lif opted for bin bags and dog poop bags. Sometimes I wonder if we're on the same planet :)

It's been a long day, time for that cava and a relax now. X

Ps that is one of the new rose bushes just in case you hadn't guessed :)

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