Fridge Photos.

What's on yours?
Sorry Blippers, but we are not quite 100% today. We were out and about yesterday with Ros and Trevor (Visions of Chloe/Cumbria) and, of course, I forgot to wear a hat! I'm a bloke, that's my excuse! Result is one burnt bonce and feeling quite seedy. I also got bitten by some bug down the wood and have reacted quite badly. MaggieD almost lost her voice the other day and still has not quite got it back yet. Rona ate something yesterday which disagreed with her and has been quite subdued this morning. Are we not a sorry bunch?
So, despite the continuing good weather (another month please, Mr Weatherman!) bliportunities have been a shade restricted. Or, I just didn't feel like picking up the camera!
However, tomorrow is another day!

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