Autumn in the National Cemetery
I always find it funny how different people react and respond to burying their loved ones.
Some people never want to visit the gravesite, preferring instead to remembering their loved ones alive.
Others regularly visit the cemetery, bringing flowers (both real and artificial) and things like this scarecrow to commemorate the seasons.
Which way is best? That's too personal of a question. I know I have my way...and you probably have yours. Both ways are's whatever way you are comfortable.
Obviously, these folks (along with many others) like to decorate. But, for those who bring real flowers...I know the cemetery workers usually do a weekly pickup...tossing the flowers.
Isn't it great that there are differences in people? Can you imagine EVERY person in the world acting like myself/yourself?
At least for me...that's a scary thought. VIVA LA DIFFERENCE!!!!!
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