Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Early morning message

So after an emotional day when we found out that Dylan would need major surgery, Top Gun stayed up late and composed a message of hope for us to come down to this morning. He also gave the kitchen a thorough clean; a romantic pragmatist our boy. Or do I mean pragmatic romantic. Either way -

The operation, inevitably given the track record of this event, had complications. He is now hopefully on the mend. The next three or four days will tell us how quickly. 

Top Gun and I also took Monty to the vet tonight who needs minor surgery to remove polyps on his ear. It never rains but it pours ...

I worked at home, which proved productive and good for my mental health, which is after all the point of it. Did however go into town to meet Mr K for a 1:1 at 4pm as he lives nearby and it means we can talk undisturbed and have a damn fine cup of coffee as well. 

Rang my sister to thank her for my beach hut and had a short but nice catch up.

Bought a bag of chips and had pan fried haloumi as we have both given up eating fish again.

Funny the odd things you notice during the course of a day. Like the man in the vet with one trouser leg rolled up. Like messaging a friend to say that a restaurant does not sell alcohol but "does sod drunks", because your phone has autocorrected it away from "does soft drinks". Like the fact that the clock on the mantelpiece is off centre and probably has been for ages. And a dozen other things you notice but can't remember when you want to list them.

Difficult trio of meetings tomorrow. Not looking forward to it; have a feeling I am going to be very tired tomorrow night ...


Five years ago I spent time with Henry, Annie and Emily and speculated on what a momentous time they lived through.

This time last year I would have liked a rug but got a wet basement instead ...

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