Interior Designer

I had a hideous afternoon fighting with Miss E about her homework. General knowledge questions which should have taken ten minutes but with all the screeching, crying, wailing and hysteria resulted in the loss of her iPad for a week and a sore throat for me. And took well over an hour. Uuuughhhhhh!!!!!!
Yesterday Mr K painted Miss E's room blue but it was incredibly patchy - terrible coverage. I touched it up with the tester pot which proved to be a mistake as the colour doesn't match at all. Annoying!
After all the drama with Miss E - and because it had been almost twenty-four hours since I set foot in a DIY shop - I decided to head to Milton Keynes before the shops shut to get more blue paint to sort out the patchy craziness of Miss E's room.
I got in the car and was about to set off when I decided to ask Miss E if she wanted to come with me. I much prefer outings with her to fighting with her about homework!
The manager in B&Q gave me another tin of the paint at a discount. He was quite snippy saying of course it would take two coats for a decent finish. At £27 for a 2.5l tin I told him I expected it to go on in one coat!!!
Miss E chose a bedside lamp - to go on her bedside table along with her cactus!!
As I drove to Ikea I remembered that I'd forgotten to buy Miss L's yellow paint - Wild Primrose - in B&Q - the one she chose weeks ago without even wanting a tester and which, despite me buying half a dozen testers since, turns out to be the best one!! - so it was to Homebase with us. Even I'm getting sick and tired of DIY shops now!
Then it was to Ikea to get her bedside cabinet, rug and lightshade. 
And eat Daim bar cake and fish and chips!!
Annoyingly the mattresses I've chosen are out of stock until mid October so they'll have to wait.
Then it was home for five minutes before heading to the new house to drop off all the goodies.
I left the Little Misses bouncing on the trampoline and Mr K filling holes in Miss L's room and headed home.
As ever it was fabulous to spend time alone with Miss E. She's so lovely to be around. Most of the time!!

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