A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Waiting room

I can't do links on the iPhone but I seem to recall a pretty similar blip from last year as I awaited a new washing machine. This year's wait is far more exciting with SooB and her family at the end of it. And I think I have better snacks. I will actually move before they arrive as there is a BBQ'd dinner and game of cards between now and then. But for now I have a few minutes here before making some form of vegetable side for dinner.

Funny sort of morning at the beach as there was an uncharacteristic low lying cloud, possibly known as fog but my brain is too confused by the concept of warm fog. What it actually meant was that the sun couldn't beat quite as brutally and we had a lovely time nevertheless playing bat and ball, reading and dipping in the sea.

Back home for lunch on the terrace, siestas, getting the house ready for our guests*, pool time and now pre-dinner drinks and snacks. I'm sure I've been happier but it's hard to remember when.

Lesley x

*it amuses me and I think it will amuse them to be considered thus, like we'll treat them specially and wait on them or other unlikely things.

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