MacMillan Supporters!

I was really lucky to be able to attend a blipmeet at the Dog and Gun in Keswick today, arranged by Technophobe and LooseCanon. They made it really easy for me by offering me a floor to sleep on in Keswick to save me having to drive back home to Newcastle in the dark.

I met lots of blippers I hadn't met before and some I had. The list included (I think this is everyone):

Clickychick, Jerra, Derwentlass, Sue Middleton, Fastaperture and Santana, John Gravett , LooseCanon Technophobe, myself, and Rainie all the way from New Zealand.

As we were leaving, we were enterrtained by a lovely group of folks having their hair shaved in aid of the MacMillan Cancer Charity. In return for a small donation they were happy to be photographed.

Before setting off to Keswick I'd gone to Tynemouth in the morning with MrsC and my Mum-in-Law. In the cafe where we had coffee was a cow's head wearing a flat cap - see the extra!

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