My Poor Pond!

Dear Diary,

The drought here this summer has been severe.  I stopped at the pond to see what was up and discovered it was down...way down!  In all the 21 years I have lived in Maine I have never seen the pond so low.  It was a sad sight to see.

It is raining a bit right now but it is just a trickle really.  We need a week of steady rain to make a dent in this.  Our fall rains usually start in late October.  We'll see if it happens this year.  I shudder to think what will happen if they don't come.  We also rely on the winter snow to build up the ground water but last year it wasn't much which set us up for the summer drought.

Matt will be coming in a couple weeks to cut back the perennials.  It is time to put the garden to bed.  There was a light frost the other morning and it took out the coleus.  It is none to pretty in the garden right now.  But I know this is part of the cycle, the dying part, the inward turning part and in some respects I welcome it.

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