Pink brollies
It's that time of year again. But this year I know what it's for: breast cancer awareness month. I can't get over a slight irritation that all the talk in the accompanying literature is about women. Haven't we moved on from that? Men get breast cancer too, ok, fewer, but still. Also, women getting breast cancer presumably has some affect on the men in their life; so can we talk about solidarity amongst people? Not just women?
This morning was my first advertised morning at the school office to answer parents' queries. So how surprising to find the Chair holding a meeting there. And later that I was locked out of the school as a result of the Academie-ordered terrorism precautions. So I went to research doorbells...
Later, I tackled the sage mountain. But there are several rounds to go... The brambles around the forsythia are reduced, and the terrace is weeded. So, some progress. And the GardenPhilosopher is here tomorrow to help things take a big leap forward. On Monday in three hours he felled trees that would have soaked up a whole week of my time. And that includes a break for tea-fuelled philosophy.
Turns out CarbBoy's basketball team lost big time at the weekend (by 84 points), though given the sound of the opposition, I'm not sure CarbBoy's presence would have helped. Now everyone is hoping they will lose next weekend so they don't qualify for the 'Top-16' which will mean driving 200km every weekend this year to lose against a bunch of 6 feet tall 13 year olds. Fingers crossed...
Later, pizza, a long FaceTime with Mr B in Covent Garden, and Brooklyn 99.
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