Today I made a pretty neat tool...

This old Framus jazz guitar fell on its butt smashing the jack over & making a right mess of the side. It stayed like that for far too long & the maple side really didn't want to come back into place.

I cut a plate of rigid rosewood curved to match the inside of the guitar, drilled a little hole in it & threaded through a really tough steel string (0.019" diameter). I also used a washer between the ball of the string & the rosewood to spread the pressure.

Then I threaded the string through the tuner on my tool & cranked it up as far as I dared - there were a few satisfying clicks on the way...

Superfine superglue was applied - it gets everywhere - followed by normal superglue which does its best. Rolled a cigarette & drank some beer & when I released the tension - bingo!!

Sorry about the lighting - could have shown better how the tool hugged the side of the guitar :o( 

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