Poodle Parkour

Early this morning, my whole "new" class of ten dogs and their mums and dads met in the Main Square downtown. It was salary Saturday, and lots of activities were planned and crowds expected. We don't often go downtown, and definitely not on a crowded day. A challenge!

The teachers were cool, and on our way to the first park, we started with jumping crisscross over, and even through, some bicycle stands. Easy peasy! In the museum park, where the shark is, we did (on lead) recall training and some tricks.

Then we walked through the better part of the now crowded city centre to a small playground park next to the second big church, St Lars. We jumped up on wobbly things, balanced, walked on narrow railings, with lots of people looking. Then it was fika, which was great.

The last part of the class took place on the topmost floor of a multi-story parking garage. Mum was not happy, she doesn't like heights, but she had to be brave. We practised walking over a see-through metal grid and up and down a metal staircase. Mum had brought the new lick friendly bacon cheese, and I earned myself lots of licks! Not cat food yet though....

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