Marvelous Marvão in Alentajo

This extreme panorama, 360°, shows the fantastic castle of Marvão. We were there today, JanHar, amandoAlentejo (lovingSutton), Mike and myself. I was amazed at the completeness of the castle and the village within the walls.
The day was filled with events and adventures, the flying ants (see extra), the cistern (extra), the white-walled village (extra), the unexpected small formal garden, and just the fact you can walk all the way around the walls of the walled village and castle. 
There are no railings and in places the walkway is narrow, with uneven steps and a big drop if you fall off.   If you are nervous of heights or uncertain on your feet that particular adventure may not be for you, but don't let yourself be put off as there are plenty of other things for you to look at here, and plentiful views where your feet are firmly on the ground.
I am amazed this place is so little known!  If you are in Portugal or the western part of Spain take a visit, especially if you are outside the blazing hot season!
Since there were three blippers on the trip you can also check out AmendoAlentejo's and Janhar's blips and extras, as well as my three extras here.

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