Meanwhile, at the coast..

By meancoast

Neon skies……..

…….from the front doorstep, just before 7am this morning………and had I not just emerged from the shower with dripping wet hair I would have hoofed it down to the sea front for something possibly better……but, hey ho…….

Oh, and I've only just realised it's actually Monday, not Tuesday…..the result of a strange (as in not-strange-at-all/completely normal day-in-the-life content/no flocks of talking flamingoes/no pushing a shopping trolley with a wonky wheel up Everest) dream last night……very odd…….

ADVANCE WARNING :: Between 01 November 2016 and 31 December 2016  I will be participating in some research being conducted at Lancaster University, UK. A researcher will be observing my posts and comments and has asked me to let you know that this means they will also see what you are posting and commenting but will not record any information about you. For more information, please see

NB That bit up there is copied and pasted from an email I received this morning, I'm pretty sure that if your journal is 'protected' they won't be able to see it……but I've sent them an email to check!

CLARIFICATION JUST RECEIVED FROM THE LEAD RESEARCHER :: "Our plan is not to look at the journals of any one who has not consented. So while we will look at what people say to you (in your public journal between those dates given only), we will not look at anyone else’s journal (public or protected) and we will not have access to any protected journals at all.
I am happy for any commenters who are concerned to email me for more information, or to email me to request that their comments are not recorded. Any comments that we do record will not be quoted directly and everything will be anonymised – as an example, we might say something like ‘[participant 001] posted a photo of her cat in the garden. She received six comments, five of which were about how cute the cat was and one was about the nice framing of the photo. [Participant 001] replied to each comment.’ "

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