Lazing on a Sunday afternoon

Today was another lazy day, I really needed it too. I did pop along to the Trafford Centre for a couple of things, but I was super was packed with 'It is Sunday so what shall we do, Oh I know the sun is shining so let's wander up and down the Trafford Centre with our children who are fed up' people. I expertly weaved in and out of them, avoiding numerous children clutching Build a Bear boxes, slipping past toddlers in trolleys screaming to get out and run and the meanderers who mill up and down all day. There is definitely an art to weekend shopping in there!!

As the sun was setting I bobbed along to Pennington Flash to take a few pics. I sat on a bench and enjoyed the sun on the water as the birds milled around....there is most certainly a sniff of Autumn in the air though. 

I must thank everyone for all the lovely messages and hearts for my four year really are a splendid bunch of blippers out there :))

Film Star Friday

Blip was offline all last night and I'm having to upload this entry on Monday morning before I head off to work, so I am a bit rushed...but the results are:

1st...Waders of the Lost Ark...davidd. Oh this made me laugh out loud, absolutely hilarious. 

2nd...The Third Man...Robert10. What an atmospheric pic...brilliant.

3rd...Bad Girls...Ukelelehaley. I need a bunch of friends who like dressing up too ha ha ha 

Do have a look HERE to see a creepy pic from Coraline, The Phantom of the Opera, Chariots of Fire and The Lost Boys. Oh, it is so hard to choose as they are all fabulous. The next FSF is 7th October.

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