
By AlrightFlower

Lunch love

Bought myself a cute lunch bag :-)

I've struggled to find one which serves my needs - you see, I'm a little bit odd here ("noooo" I hear you cry disbelievingly). Whilst I'm perfectly happy to have everything on one plate*, I can't have things transported together. So I tend to have one big container for the salad leaves and then lots of little pots with, for example, tomatoes or cous cous or pickles. Then fruit and maybe a yogurt. And of course that's not even taking breakfast into account!

The upshot of which is that your standard cutesy little lunch bag just ain't doing it for me. So this is a bit like a Tardis - conventional on the outside but with a surprisingly roomy interior.



* though I'm not keen on having more than one type of food on my fork at any given time...

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