Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The Long Shot

Had The Bears over for dinner tonight and did cocktails. The Dizzle had bought me a bottle of classy bourbon for my birthday so I did a bit of googling and found this, which is a little unusual but very nice. 25ml of rye, 2 tablespoons of sugar syrup, 12ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice, a "splash" of American pale ale and some mint, served over ice of course. Why they call it The Long Shot I don't know but the beer seems to go very well with the spirit and other ingredients.

TSM went to Potters Bar and spent a rather lovely time and lots of cuddles with Dylan in the Cat Hospital, although she got upset at how thin he was getting. I did domestics, mainly the garden and some shopping. Feeling a bit tired again at the moment.

Did take a bit of time out to watch another lecture in the series "How to Look at and Understand Great Art" which is a series of 36 lectures that TSM bought me for my birthday from The Great Courses series. I love these; have done two or three on audio but this was the first on video. Coincidentally a number of the pictures they are looking at are in The Met or MOMA in New York and we saw them only last week when we were over there. 

Anyway we had a lovely evening with The Bears (not just because of the cocktails although they helped) and a lot of conversations about America. Need my bed now. Sleeping very heavily at the moment ...

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