Continuing on with the poorly collie saga.........

….....................I've been trying to pretend all week that I'm getting better................... but I'm not!
My poorly paw is better, but I've hardly eaten anything in a whole week and I'm loosing weight. Last night Ann's friends, Caroline & Tony (in this Blip) came to stay. Ann was at work so I was 'home alone' having peaceful snooze time when they came into the house and wanted to take me for a little walk around the field. I didn't want to go for a little walk around the field!
This morning Ann said, 'Molly; Ozzy (your very gorgeous golden retriever boyfriend) is coming for a sleepover. We'll go on your morning walk to get him.'  Normally I would be quite excited to go and get him but this morning I didn't want to go for my walk. Ann literally had to drag me a few hundred yards up the road and I kept stopping and looking all pathetic. Eventually she said, 'Molly, you're really not well are you? Let's go home, I'll go and get Ozzy in the car and when I come back you can both have your breakfast. If you refuse to eat your breakfast when Ozzy is here I'll know you really aren't very well'. I have a bit of a 'possessive eating disorder' when other dogs are about and I always gobble up my meals in super quick time if Ozzy's here!
I didn't eat my breakfast?!
Ann went into major panic mode and phoned the vet. Unfortunately the very lovely Jonathan (my most favourite vet in the world) wasn't working but Ann spoke to another very lovely vet called Gemma who seems to think my little steroid pills may be making me lose my appetite and be sleepy. Ann thought that steroids made you eat more?! She said I could stop taking them a few days early and if I wasn't showing any signs of improvement by Monday morning I could see the very lovely Jonathan again. She said it would take a while for the steroids to leave my system so Ann says not to expect an immediate improvement just because I haven't had my steroid tonight. I had some grated cheese on my dinner tonight but I've only eaten a couple of mouthfuls and am snoozing again.
This morning Ann said she was going for a walk on the dunes with Caroline & Tony and Ozzy. She said I could stay home alone and have some quiet snooze time but I wanted to go with them. So I went with them and walked for about an hour but I didn't do any bunny chasing because I didn't have the energy for that. And for my afternoon walk I just went for a little trot around the field in the rain. I'm sleeping again now.
I just want to get back to my normal bouncy self. #itsnofunbeingill

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