Not such a perfect day

Four wake ups in the night
Both times I got Wom back to sleep with no drink - since croup he's been waking wanting drinks. Munchie was just shouting in her sleep but as she's quite a way from our room - always best to go and check she's ok.

A bit grumpy about swimming but she did so well again.

Wom went with daddy and got his hair cut and popped to the butchers for some biltong (the butchers South African!)

Grandma came for lunch

Wom and I then fell asleep on the sofa!
Grandma went home

I checked my bank balance as I wanted to see if something had gone out. Almighty shock when saw over £500 worth of transactions had been taken with a further £300 pending - all from groupon!

I've spent most of the afternoon off and on trying to resolve this. Lloyds were next to useless. As I have an account with groupon it's not considered fraud?!?!?

Eventually to someone with common sense at groupon who assured me my account was frozen and the transactions all cancelled, then another call to Lloyds and spoke to someone sensible.

Account will be credited with all the money, but first has to be debited. Ouch!
New card on way


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