Stevens Shots

By StevenC44

The Canary's

Hello Blippers! Hope your all well!

Today was the usual Friday - I was at my nana and grandads again. However, today I did something I've not done in a while and went into the back garden to see the birds that my grandad keeps. It's basically like two big cages with a hut-like thing in the middle, which is connected to the cages so the birds can go in and out as they please.

He has 4 orange Canary's, however, I wasn't allowed to actually go into the cage, so I had to take pictures from the outside. I also gave them names! They are, from left to right: Geraldine, Heather, Terry (my favourite) and John. I know, weird names for birds, but that's what makes them memorable!

Me and my nana were discussing ideas for my 100th blip. I now have a couple of ideas, but still not completely sure!

Have a good weekend everyone!

5 blips until the big 100

Steven :)

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