Sugar Magnolia

By cew

December in Canada


Today was our final pottery class for a few months (at least).
Linda, Noel, Joanne and I went for lunch today to say goodbye for now. We really have had a great time in our pottery class. Linda said she's never experienced a class like ours :) What she means is because we all started together and kept joining back up every 6 weeks. So today we sort of graduated together. Noel brought us all gifts but told us we mustn't open them until Christmas Eve. I can't wait to see it. I know it's a book...but what!!!!

Tonight I went to my 3rd knitting class. Not quite the same as pottery but I think it's pretty cool. The women aren't what I first thought. I don't give women a fair chance a lot of the time I think...but they are pretty cool....they swear and drink and everything!!!! :) They invited me to come to the Knitting Guild on Wednesday night. I don't want to go overboard night a week may be enough for knitting:)
So I started a hat for my son John tonight. Hopefully I can get it done for Christmas....Perhaps if I try to spend less time here on blip I will have a chance to accomplish that:)

Have a great week everyone!

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