Not sure what that golden oriole has done to make Mickey so suspicious.
Busy day. Appointment with the school doctor for CarbBoy's official permission to eat non-school food. Then mostly just rushing about. Brief lull for a gardening chat with a bored neighbour (ie who is out of work rather than bored with me talking nonsense, though he may have been that too).
School meeting to try and replace me (the meeting had other points, but that's why I was there), then collecting CarbBoy from basketball. He was at Peak Poorliness, resulting in some emergency stops on the way home and a load of washing that I really don't want to think about (but we might need a new machine...) He rallied for the neighbourhood outdoor film event, so it looks as though we may go to the ball.
Last job of the evening was killing the hornets that somehow keep finding their way in. Obviously one of them will be half dead in my shoe where I will find it at 5am...
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