
By ChrisGroucutt


The little'un was struck by a sickness bug today, which is bad enough in itself, but doubly bad for her because she was due to do the second of her two performances in Wind in the Willows tonight.

She was gutted, but it had to be pulled and that's a really hard thing for a little'un to deal with. The show has still gone on though, with one of the girls who was playing the same part on other nights stepping in for her (Thanks Rosalia!).

So we got her back home, and she settled in for an early night with her mum and Charlie joining in as protector. She'll get over the illness long before she gets over the disappointment of missing out on the show, but we'll be there to help her through, and in the end it'll be all good learning of life lessons for her.

Onwards and upwards little one.. onwards and upwards :)

(I would have liked to say "poop poop" here in the inimitable style of the wonderful Mr. Toad, but it may be not totally appropriate, given that we don't yet know the direction that the sickness bug may take tomorrow).


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