Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Indian Summer teeth gnashing

They actually came out with me up the hill with the dogs. The late afternoon sunshine is harvest golden in Aberdeenshire of late with cosy warm taps aff temperatures wrapping us up in imaginary duvets. We'll be in for a shock soon when the October dampness takes hold, the north wind bites and the winter frost comes, but Aberdeenshire's hills will remain beautiful throughout the changes, and here's hoping us and ours are all toasty and safe inside. Lucky us. But for today, it was a long slow walk up in sunbeams amidst happy free range dogs and bugs and beasties galore.

I persuaded them to come after making them feel sorry for me after having the teeth drilled out of me in a never ending session in the dentists chair; 40 mins of drilling and 20 mins of poking about equals 60 mins of me trying to concentrate on breathing, not gagging, gripping the chair so hard I left marks and tears rolling down my cheeks. Two fillings after years of getting away Scot free so deep I regretted every last Danish pastry. Well, maybe every other one. Anyways, I'm such a brave little soldier. At one point mid drill I started babbling about child birth, that's how much (more) of an hysterical Numpty I'd become.

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