Spools of Thread

Dear Diary,

In the corner of my studio is my sewing area with my nearly 50 year old Singer, which needs to go for a "tune up", and this rack of thread.  At least half of the spools belonged to my mother.  I got them when we cleared out her house after her death.  Most of the blue thread belonged to her.  It was her favorite color and I just have to glance at the rack to think of her stitching away on a quilt.

The shiny metallic threads are mine.  I always loved metallic accents.  My grandmother use to call me her magpie because I would gravitate to shinning objects as a child.  Of course, Magpies really aren't all that attracted to shiny objects as it turns out but that was the folklore in my youth.

I do very little real sewing now but I can't part with this rack of thread.  I love the array of color on the wall and if I hold a spool I can usually recall what I made with it.  Someday these threads will go to someone else but for now they are one of those common place objects that can bring back memories and I am glad of it.

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