What a day

Coffee with the camera club treasurer in the morning.
She is the other person that certain poisonous people are trying to force out.
She sent a letter to the 'Committee' saying she was having nothing to do with the libelous letter sent to me.

Afternoon walk with the Cygnet down to the park.
He was a bit reluctant to go all the way down the hill because of the digger and workmen building the new flood defences at the edge of the burn.
Eventually he made it down - mainly because the digger was leaving for the end of the day.
I think he was glad he did because he enjoyed himself on the roundabout and the slide.
I managed to get a couple of shots of him I am reasonably pleased with.

I went and sat in on the 'Committee' meeting in the evening.
I was very good and never said a word - just took copious notes of what was being said (and not said which was just as important).
That was until they came to the last item of the agenda ....... the letter to me.
That was when I got torn in about some ribs about the false allegations and libel in the letter.
There were two or three very sheepish looking faces.
The author of the letter (he wasn't keen on admitting to that one) still failed to see that there was anything wrong with the contents despite having to admit that there were false allegations in it.

The Special General Meeting later in the month is going to be a bloodbath!!!!

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