Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Oh dear ......

Getting ready this morning, Frank had other ideas of playing, running my new ball of wool around the room!!

Worked from home today - two steps forward, three back.

Had a call from the respiratory nurse who had visited pa-in-law this afternoon and she had talked to him about going to hospital, she felt he needed IV anti-biotics and nebulisers. Left home around 4:30pm, got to the hospital just after 5pm. Nebulisers, blood tests, xray and oxygen, and he was eventually admitted to a ward and we left at 10pm. He'd even requested a banana sandwich which somehow one of the staff nurses managed to find a banana, couple of slices of brown bread (and some butter) and some sugar - he was happy (although very short of breath). As we left he was ordering Horlicks and talking about what he was going to have for breakfast. :)


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