Judith's photos

By Judith


This pineapple was one of the many items in the virtual fruit bowl that my friend Angela gave me. I am blessed with some wonderful friends and have been inundated with cake, flowers, cards, visits and many, many good wishes.

I managed 2 ambles today, including 1 to see a doctor who, joy of joys, has said that I am clear to drive again - yay! But I might hold off until my wrist's better, or at least, I certainly won't go far. It's getting there - the compact camera felt easier to hold today, and hopefully it won't be too long before I can use my 'proper' camera, but a slightly sleepless night proved that if I do too much, it hurts!

Tomorrow I have a different outing planned - to the dentist! I'm sure I can get down there, but let's hope I can get back up the hill afterwards, given that simply going upstairs makes me breathe heavily. Hey ho, I don't seem to be a very patient patient!

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