First Day of Swim

Tuesday, I grabbed Sugar right at the end of the day again, so I could get her signed up for swim.  She will be swimming two to three days a week, in hopes of building up her chest wall muscles, and increase her ability to breath deeply.  She was super nervous, and gave herself a tummy ache, but in the end...I think she rather liked it.  It already pushed her.  She definitely has a long way to go on stamina.  
I'm excited to have her in a variety of activities after school, so that I can work until at least 5pm, and know that she is busy, and happy.  It is also good to her to spread out who she is spending after school hours with.  As an only child, she has struggled when she spends too much time with any of her friends.  It's good that we can find an after school balance that will allow for her to maintain happy friendships, and not over do "together time".  We are excited for this new opportunity.  

PS.  Backblipping again....

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