La vida de Annie

By Annie

Manzana Fuji

Torrential rain today, which had the temerity to start while I was in a shop in town, minus coat or brolly, and parked some distance away.
I have already uploaded this entry, which thinks it was taken over 2 years ago as it was on a little camera I had misplaced with a dead battery, so I've now changed the date twice. I also wrote a long diatribe about the blocked wastepipe outside the apartment, which was miraculously fixed, albeit temporarily, after complaint from the neighbours whose olfactory senses were assaulted. When this happened earlier in the year when no-one else was around, I was left with no mains water for 3 days, and 3" of foul water on the floors, but it was not considered an emergency. A bit of a whiff for those refined noses and everyone jumps to fix it. The main repair of a damaged pipe will be done once everyone has gone back home (except me) so they won't be inconvenienced (just me). The original whinge about this was considerably longer, so it's perhaps as well there was a brief power cut before I could click publish.
Anyway, because of the weather being shite and there also being quite a bit bubbling around the flower beds, I decided to post one of the Fuji apples I bought in the supermarket. When I got to the till, the cashier asked "¿Son estas manzanas Fuji ?" which is reasonable as they are more expensive than the others. What exercised my sense of humour however was the local pronunciation of Fukky apples....

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