
Today ran away from us. Well, we weren't keeping track of time, that's for sure. On the other hand we all got a lot done, tidying, sorting, fixing, working, baking. Remembered the beef joint we were supposed to be cooking far too late to cook it, and ended up having an indian takeaway for dinner - all that hard work, saving money on grocery shopping, cooking from scratch - and we blow it on a takeout! Still, it was enjoyed. And very little wasted, we didn't order too much.

So the battle to sort out the front upstairs room continues. It's getting there. There's a lot more organisation going into it. A lot of rubbish got rid of, things we don't need to keep any more. And treasure found too (of course)! I came home yesterday and Steve said that treasures had "appeared" around the house for me to notice. Our wedding photo, and a beautiful blue hanging votive among others!

Today's big achievement (and headache) was putting up a new cupboard above our bed. Bother those flint-packed walls. Does make drilling holes for screws MOST difficult. After an encounter with cement mortar though the hole that appeared when Steve started trying to drill into flint was packed suitably to drill into for screwholes. So the big dark behemoth is up. Needs dusting, but it'll keep the spare bedding and winter woollens off the floor at last.

The boys came with us to get dinner. And, typically, Steve was just ordering when Ben announced he needed a wee! Good job we didn't live far away, and he was on his bike, so off we went back home leaving Steve to pay and to wait. Wee stop done, back to the restaurant, and Ben had no sooner taken off his hi-vis jacket than our food was ready and it was time to go home! Charley enjoyed the nasn bread and some shish kebab and onion bhaji, and gummed a bit of lamb to death as well. Ben had chips as hs's not a particularly adventurous eater, but he said his mouth hurt from when he bashed the inside of it with a bottle (doing something daft by the sounds of it) so struggled with the chips, so he had some cereal instead. And they were both so tired that it was bedtime straight after tea.

Once in bed Steve got on with sorting out his website, fiddling with LinkedIn, doing this and that, and I did a bit of cleaning and painting. I was literally jumping and dancing for joy about how much I love my job, that it really is my "job" now, to be an artist! I painted the wall around the door into our living room again, with the new paint. Had another Grandma Joyce moment I suppose. Big bold brash colours. Can't wait to paint the wording on it, when I get the right colours for that. Would like to get a some people round in a few weeks to strip the living room walls completely, so we can start working towards decorating properly in there. Once the front upstairs room is organised.....

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