
By McCaviti

NAIDOC Assembly

I took a few better photos (but not many, being in the back of the hall and without a tripod), but this one best begins to capture the infectious joy of the school's belated NAIDOC assembly.

The charismatic Duncan (& family) had spent the week sharing indigenous culture with the children - culminating in an assembly which celebrated what everyone had learned. Dances, talks about hunting, art and didgeridoos, and some wonderful performances by Duncan and his family (most notably the NRL dance), all capped off with everyone joining in the Wombat Waddle.

We'd gone along to see L talk about his class' art project (champion job, L) and were so pleased we didn't miss this inspiring occasion.

The best bit - Duncan getting the whole school to celebrate the "awesomeness" of the handful of indigenous children who attend - and the enthusiasm with which everyone joined in.

No wonder the children talked about him as if he were a celebrity - he was indeed!

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