One Crowded Hour

By GlassRoad

high tech

Off to have the year+ check after the girly bits behaved badly last year.
Back then I was seeing the lovely Prof H who had rooms in an old converted house with polished wood floors and rugs, high ceilings with decorating ceiling roses, an examination room with bed (and dreaded stirrups) and autoclave humming blue in the corner.
Now retired, his best boy Dr T is taking care of business in a first story suite where his desktop is a huge touch/drag and drop screen and the examination bed now a 'transformer' chair that rises and spreads(mmmm). Oh yes and a remarkable loo as per the photo.

Curiously, on a shelf in Dr T's office is a beautiful collection of old Leicas and cameras dating back to much older times.
Super tech and vintage, side by side.

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